Laura Marino
Chief Product Officer
"The ScaleUp Edge HpX Executive Membership helped me to amplify my executive brand and influence that resulted in a high rate of inbound interest for unadvertised CPO Roles. It helped me to sharpen critical C-Level skills relevant to the ScaleUp Stage not available elsewhere. I strongly recommend this to anyone looking to break into their first C-Suite role in a ScaleUp Stage Company.
Chris Bond
Head of Operations/Assistant COO
The ScaleUp Edge community is full of ScaleUp experts from various industries and geographies that were willing to answer any questions I had. It was especially helpful to me as I prepared to interview for new roles in ScaleUp Companies, an emerging stage of business in the UK. With their support, guidance and responsiveness, I landed my next great role to continue my journey in the scaleup world and find my edge.
Shelley Perry
Investor, Advisor
I was looking for a platform to share my experience that would have greater scale than 1:1 Coaching. I also have the ability to interact first hand with ScaleUp Executives when they have specific questions in a way that works for my own and others styles. The interactions allow me to make network connections with confidence, as I know they will utilize the network connection in a way that is beneficial to both parties.